Hello everybody! I loved seeing all of your wonderful work yesterday! Please continue to send pictures of your work to stcolum12@gmail.com so I can see how your are getting on or answer any questions you may have if you are finding the work difficult.

Today we will be reading the story of Hansel and Gretel which I have attached below. You will also be answering questions about the story. Remember to read the questions twice before you start answering!

Yesterday RTE started their ‘Home School Hub’ and they showed us how to draw a map! Follow this link to see what other fun activities you can do today! https://www.rte.ie/learn/

In maths we will continue to learn about capacity. Today we will work more on our units of measure: L=litre and ML= millilitre. A litre is the larger unit of measure and is used for big bottles of juice, coke and milk. Millilitre is a smaller unit of measure and is used for cans of coke, Capri-Suns and the small cartons of milk we get in our classroom. I have attached a worksheet below as well as a poster which should help explain the differences between L and ML if you get stuck!

Yesterday we learnt about the different continents in the world and today we will be learning more about what countries belong to what continent. Watch this video and challenge yourself to learn one fact for each continent! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYYakyS_HOg&t=46s

Have a wonderful day!

Ms Nally

English March 31

Maths Capacity March 31

Maths March 31