I hope everybody had a fun day yesterday!

Today we will  be re reading ‘Saving Easter’ (which can be found on yesterday’s blog) and filling out our story maps.

Story map 1: Write, talk and draw about the story using these question words.

  • Who is it about?
  • What happens in the story?
  • Where did the characters go?
  • Why did they go there?
  • When did the story take place?

Story map 2: Write, talk and draw about what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story!

Today we will be working on mental maths. I have attached a worksheet below. Mental maths is a great way to revise everything we have learnt. Some of the sums can have traps so make sure you read the question twice before answering. Try to think of all the different strategies you can use to answer the sums!

Our class loves GoNoodle! It is a great way to use our extra energy! Lots of the GoNoodle videos are available on youtube. This is one of the children’s favourites: ‘Run the Red Carpet’ which helps us work on following directions! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_GNRDic17E

Have a lovely day!

Ms Nally

English Story Maps April 2

Maths April 2