Good morning everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend! Work for today is up on the blog.

3rd class for maths you will be working on subtraction with exchanging. 4th class for maths you will be finding fractions of whole numbers: *remember divide by the bottom and multiply by the top. When you are finished, find a pen to mark them using the answer sheet.

For Literacy today, I would like everyone to write a procedure on ‘How to make Rice Krispie Buns’. I have included all the headings you should have on a blank page to help you. Once you have written your procedure, see if you have the ingredients to make them!

You will notice I have uploaded Gaeilge conversation cards. These are simple phrases you should be practicing while at home. Choose one a day and practice saying it. You don’t have to write any out!

I have included the prayers for Lent also. Again, choose another one you like and read it to yourself.

4th Class Maths – Fractions

Daily Lent Prayers

Gaeilge Conversation Cards

Procedure Writing Plan