I would love to see some of your wonderful work that you’ve been very busy doing. Feel free to email me some of your written work or if there are any questions that mum or dad might have don’t be afraid to get in touch. My email is stcolumJI@gmail.com

Continue with the word list revising Monday’s and Tuesday’s words as well as learning 2-3 more new words today. I have a lovely new story called Let’s Make Pancakes which we will make a start on after Easter.

Log into folensonline using the log in details I posted on the blog on Wednesday 18th March. Search ‘Starlight Junior Infants’ in the search bar at the top of the page. Click on ‘Resources’. Near the top of the page you will see ‘theme’, ‘unit’, ‘resource type’, ‘component’. Click on ‘unit’. Click on ‘12. The Duck Pond’. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Poster- 12. The Duck Pond’. Click ‘open’. You will recognise this poster from the oral language lesson we did on Friday. Today I’d like you to listen to the poem Ten Little Tadpoles. Have a look at the photos attached to see how a tadpole starts out and develops into a frog. After playing the poem a few times ask your child the following questions. If they are unsure of the question remind them of what you asked so that they know what to listen out for and play the poem until they hear the answer.

  • Where did the tadpoles live?
  • What words can you hear in the poem that tell us this poem is set in water (pool; water; swimming; diving)
  • What games do you think the tadpoles were playing? (e.g. swimming chase; who can dive deepest)
  • Why did the tadpoles not want to go to school?
  • Who was the teacher?
  • What kind of teacher do you think the water-rat was? (strict)
  • What do you think the tadpole mother is called? (frog)
  • What will the tadpoles eat for dinner? (e.g. greens; lettuce; spinach; egg yolk; algae)

Show your child the following video of wild tadpoles eating. Wild tadpoles like to eat algae, plant stems and leaves. Imagine you have a pet tadpole at home. In your copybook at the top half of the page I’d like you to draw a picture of your pet tadpole and write his name beside him. Using your imagination, I’d like you to design a menu for your tadpole for one day. There are no right or wrong answers- the more creative the menu the better! Remember that this is not a wild tadpole so he doesn’t have to eat spinach, lettuce, leaves and algae, you can be as creative as you like! Underneath your picture, on the lines I’d like you to write one thing your tadpole will eat for breakfast, one thing he will eat for lunch, one thing he will eat for dinner and one delicious tadpole treat! I’d love to see some of your work if you’d like to take a photo of it and email it to the above address.

Make some patterns using lego/playdough/beads/blocks/coins. A pattern could be red lego piece, yellow lego piece, red lego piece, yellow lego piece. Describe the pattern that you have made, copy the pattern you have made and extend the pattern you have made. You can try this Easter Egg pattern game https://www.primarygames.com/math/eastereggpatterns/

photos- tadpole & frogs