Reading: Continue with the word list from the story ‘Let’s Make Pancakes’. We’ll make a start on the reader on Monday. Let’s see how well you remember your words from the last story you read. Look at pg. 14. Read the five sentences:

  • I see a pond.
  • I see lots of fish.
  • I see a swan.
  • I see a duck.
  • I see a frog.

Trace the last word in each sentence and join the correct sentence to the correct picture.

Phonics: I’d like you to revise the ‘x’ sound for me today. I introduced this sound before Easter. X makes the sound /ks/. Look at the Jolly Phonics YouTube video below and practice singing along doing the actions. (go to 9mins 7sec). Brainstorm with an adult all the ‘x’ words you can think of. You don’t need to write these down. X is a tricky sound to brainstorm so it is actually better to think of words with x at the end of them (e.g. ox, box, fox, six, mix, fix, wax, Max) rather than words with x at the beginning of them. We hear the ‘x’ sound better when it comes at the end of a word.  Log onto FolensOnline. Search ‘Sounds Make Words’ in the search tab at the top of the page. Click on ‘Sounds Make Words Junior Infants 42 Sounds Resources’. Click on the tab ‘sound’. Click on ‘x’. Click ‘open’ on the ‘x portfolio’. Click into the four different categories: sound introduction, letter formation, word practice, rhyme. Some of you may have got a chance to watch this when I uploaded it before Easter, but for those of you that didn’t I’ll leave a link to the alphablocks episode about x.

Writing: Today we’re going to learn how to write the letter ‘l’. You can do the same finger warm up as yesterday. The letter l is a tall letter. It’s similar to the letter ‘i’ you did yesterday but you will notice that in your handwriting book it starts at the red line and not the blue line. This is because it is a tall letter like b, d, f, h, k and t. Starting at the dot go straight down and do a little flick at the end. You should practice tracing the letter in the air and on the table before doing any writing. If you have some playdough at home it would be great if you could make the letter using playdough. Make sure your fingers are warmed up before you start writing. You can do the same warm up activity as yesterday. Have a straight back against the chair, two feet on the floor (if you can reach!) and check your pencil grip before writing. Once you’re ready have a go at pg. 42 of your workbook. Take your time with your writing and if you need to take a break then do.

Maths: For maths today we will be looking at sets. I will leave a video below. Have a look at the video before doing pg. 79 of your workbook.