Daily activities

Happy Friday everyone! Please see below for some activities the children can complete today.

Reading/Writing: Although the children do not have books at home with them, they are all accessible online on folensonline. The following link will bring you to the Starlight Skills book pg. 34 if you have made an account. Otherwise, login to folensonline following the instructions posted yesterday. Search Starlight senior infants and click on the Skills ebook. Go to page 34. The children need to read certain pages of their reader to complete the work. This can be completed in a copy if there is one available or on some paper at home. https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/starlight-SI-skills/ebook/

Attached is a high frequency words wordsearch. The children can read the words and find them in the wordsearch. Please make sure they read the words.

Jolly Phonics: Please keep up the sounds practice. The link for Jolly phonics sounds is available below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2HYM9VXz9k&t=8s

Maths: Numberline work. Create a numberline to 20 for your child. You can create this yourself or there are lots of options on twinkl.ie. Ask your child to count on on the numberline, e.g. start at 5, count on 2. Ensure your child is jumping away from the starting number. We call them froggy jumps in school! Encourage your child to physically jump and count at the same time if they need to.

Some addition sums they can do using a numberline: 5+3=  8+4=  10+5=   6+4=  2+9=    5+7=   11+6=   17+3=

https://www.helpingwithmath.com/printables/others/NumberLineGenerator01.htm is a site which generates a numberline.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting is a great website for different Maths games. There are a number to choose from and include number recognition, counting and ordering.

I hope you all have a nice weekend!

high frequency words word search