Good morning everyone! Happy Friday!  I hope you are all keeping well. Thank you for  your emails. Please keep in touch! My email is

Please see below some activities your child can do today.

Literacy: Today I would like you to listen to the story Commotion in the Ocean.

Question your child after listening to the story:

  • What creatures do we meet in the story? See how many you can name.
  • How do dolphins speak?
  • Where does the stingray live?
  • What does he use to sting?
  • What is your favourite sea creature from the story? Why?

SPHE: Did you know that everybody in the world has their own special set of fingerprints? Nobody has the same! Just like our fingerprints are special, you are special – nobody is the same as you! Have a little think about some of the things that make you special.

Let’s make a picture to show how special you are. You will need a photograph of yourself. Stick your photograph on a white piece of paper. Now let’s decorate all around your photo with your special thumbprints. You can use any colours of paint you like. Carefully dip your thumbs into the paint and leave your prints all around your photo! If you don’t have photo of yourself handy you can draw a picture of yourself instead and if you don’t have paint at home draw some of your favourite things you like to do around your picture.

When your picture is dry, write this sentence on top – I am Thumb – body special!

Maths: Count forwards and backwards to 20 or further if you like. Take it in turns to count forwards/backwards- child says 1, mam/dad says 2 and so on up to 20. Skip count in 2s to 20.

Active Maths: You have been doing great work learning about money in the shop. Today I would like you to do some coin rubbings. All you need is your coins, 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c and 20c, some paper and crayons. If you don’t have all the coins don’t worry. Place the coins under the paper and rub the crayon on top. Compare the different coins to each other. How are they different? How do you know which is which? Are some bigger/smaller than others?

Art: We have been learning all about sea creatures this week in our story. Follow this video link to draw a dolphin!

Religion: Say a prayer for those in need or for those who are sick. Remember to bless yourself.

End your learning today with this fun dance on Gonoodle: Clean up!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!