Wednesday 18th March

I hope you all had a lovely St. Patrick’s weekend. Here are today’s activities …

Cloze A 18th03

Adding Decimals18th03

Art 18th03


Dear Parents,

Due to the school’s closure I am asking you to ensure that your child reads their library books and/or personal books on a daily basis. I would like the children to also write a short daily diary entry into a copy {The Arts copy that was sent home or any copy}. This will ensure that the children are revising and developing their literacy skills. It would be of great benefit to your child if they got plenty of exercise and fresh air also. I will be uploading daily worksheets for your child to complete so please remember to check this website and click on Mr. Walshe. Worksheets can be printed or answers can be written into a copy. Thank you as always for your continued support and engagement in your child’s learning.


Fractions 13th03