Continue practicing your words from the word list uploaded on Monday. Don’t forget to check back over the word list and revise all the words you’ve learnt to date.
Log into Grow in Love using the following login details. Email: Password: growinlove Click on Junior Infants/P1. Click on Theme 6: Holy Week & Easter. Click on 3. An Easter Surprise. Watch the video ‘An Easter Surprise’. Chat together about the word ‘Alleluia!’ It means ‘Yipee!’ or ‘Hurray!’ for God. We say it a lot at Easter because we are happy that Jesus has been raised from the dead. Talk to your child about how people might celebrate Easter e.g. by going to mass on Holy Saturday night or Easter Sunday morning, by visiting the church, by giving/receiving Easter eggs.
Log into folensonline using the log in details. Search ‘Abair Liom A’ in the search bar at the top of the page. Click on ‘Resources’ under ‘Abair Liom A’. Click on ‘Lesson’ near the top of the page. Click on ’22. Ag Féachaint ar an Teilifís’. Click on ‘Póstaer- Ag Féachaint ar an Teilifís’. Click on ‘Foclóir 2’. There are 4 new phrases on this poster. If you click the pictures you will hear the pronunciation
- Ag féachaint ar an teilifís= watching TV
- Ag caoineadh= crying
- Ag gaire= laughing
- Ina luí= lying down
Return to the main Abair Liom screen. Click on 16. Teidí Beag Álainn near the top of the page. Click on Póstaer- Teidí Beag Álainn. Click on Amhrán. We learnt this song before we finished up and we know actions for it too!
You can watch the episode of Numberblocks below. It is all about patterns which we have been revising the past few days.
You might like to make these Easter Sock Bunnies I’ve attached below. You will need a sock, rice, some elastic bands or string, markers, glue and scissors. For the eyes and tail you may use googly eyes, pom poms or cotton wool.
Thank you to those who have sent on photos of their work. I love to see all the hard work you have been putting in. It looks like you have been very busy! I’m attaching a document with a list of apps/websites below which you might like to try out over Easter holidays to continue your online learning. I’d encourage you to continue with the most recent word list I uploaded on Monday as we will be starting a new story after Easter.
Well done to everyone who has been busy working hard the past few weeks and to all the mums and dads for helping. Remember if there are any problems at all you can contact me on Wishing you all a lovely Easter break! Stay safe and hopefully it won’t be long until we are back in school!