Good morning everyone! All work for today is posted on the blog. I have a few YouTube links for you to check out today too!

I’ll start with the exciting news. Brian (from music) is doing a LIVE music class at 1:30 pm. I have copied the link below for you to click on at 1:30 pm. You don’t need an instrument to take part, but if you do have one please have it ready!

Music with Brian:

Now for the even more fun stuff – maths!! 3rd class you will be working on a times tables challenge today. If you are struggling with any, grab things from around the house to make groups of things e.g. 2 x 3 = 2 groups of 3 grapes, how much altogether? 4th class, you will be revising long multiplication today. Take your time and don’t forget to add the MAGIC ZERO!

We’ll be combining literacy and RE today. I’ve included the Story of Easter. I have also copied a really nice YouTube clip of the Easter story. It’s a long one so sit back, get comfy and enjoy it! Afterward, please make a comic strip of the Easter Story, retelling all the events in order (recount) and of course draw your pictures and design it!

Easter Story:

Well done keeping up the school work!

3rd Class Maths – Times Tables

4th Class Maths – Long Multiplication

The Easter Story PPT