
Mr Walshe's Class

  Dear parents, Please watch the first six minutes of this webinar for an explanation of the theory behind ventilation in the prevention of the spread of Covid19 in the classroom. We would like to suggest that you put an extra layer of clothes on the children and...

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Tuesday 12th May

Tuesday 12th  May 2020 SeeSaw Daily activities will only be posted through SeeSaw from Wednesday morning. Please e mail me at for codes. Here are your tasks for today. [1] Literacy Starlight Book – Read Unit 14A. Look up new vocabulary in your...

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Monday 11th May

Monday 11th May 2020 I hope you all had a lovely weekend!!! SeeSaw Daily activities will only be posted through SeeSaw from Wednesday morning. Please e mail me at for codes. Well done to all of you who are connected and continuing to do the work to...

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Friday 8th May

Friday 8th  May 2020 SeeSaw Please e mail me at for codes Here are your tasks for today. [1] Daily Diary Recount Writing Please write a recount about yesterday or any happy event that has happened in your life in the last few days/weeks. Make sure...

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Thursday 7th May

Thursday 7th  May 2020 SeeSaw Well done for sending the school work to me yesterday.  There are still a few students who have not joined SeeSaw Class App. Parents/Guardians please send an e mail to me at if you need a code for your child to access...

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Wednesday 6th  May 2020

SeeSaw Please ensure that you and your child have joined SeeSaw.  Send an e mail to me at if you need a code for your child to access SeeSaw Class App. An e mail has been sent to parents about how to connect to SeeSaw Class App. Here is a tutorial...

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Friday 1st May

Thursday  April 30th 2020 SeeSaw 6th Class have now been added to SeeSaw. Send an e mail to me at if you need a code. An e mail has been sent to parents about how to connect to SeeSaw Class App.   Here are your tasks for today. [1] Writing a...

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Thursday 30th April

Thursday  April 30th 2020 SeeSaw 6th Class have now been added to SeeSaw.   Here are your tasks for today. [1] Make sure that you have set up your account for Username – Password – Stcolum2020! Be sure to add...

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Tuesday 28th August

Tuesday 28th  April 2020 SeeSaw An e mail was sent yesterday regarding your child’s sign in details. Please contact me at if you are experiencing difficulties. This is a work in progress. I have most 5th class families accessing the seesaw app...

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Here are some photos of our class activities. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.